Introduction of BPO Services
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services are our core competency which allow the businesses to Optimize their Resources, Reduce Cost and Focus on their Core Functions, whilst rest is being taken care of by our resource team of PPT2 “Process – People – Technology – Training”.
We provide services that bring improvements in the business processes, while our technology and skilled people ensure the efficiency and productivity of the business. In addition to this, our embedded training program allows easy adaptation and usage of technology in the organization. We strive to facilitate our clients so they can make an informed decision with the help of real-time reporting.

- It gives higher ROI to businesses through saving their operational cost.
- It saves C-class executives’ cost and time for focusing on core-activities, and make more informed decisions.
- It increases the Enterprise Value.
- It gives client’s access to the Dashboard.
- Certified BPO Trainers on board.
- It increases the Efficiency of Operational Activities.
- It supports Continuous Improvements in Technology and Processes.
Our Core Services
We provide BPO services under our technological expertise to deliver the best results. Our core services include:
- Accounting & Finance
- Inventory Management
- HR Pre and Post Employment Services
- Recruitment and Headhunting
- ERP/EAM as an off-the-shelf product
- ERP/EAM as software as a service (SaaS)
- Training & Organizational Development
ERP: Enterprise resource planning
EAM: Enterprise asset management
Service Delivery Outsourcing (SDO)
We serve our clients through providing services up to their business needs and requirements, if they are looking for BPO Services we have our Model A while for those looking for an only technological solution we bring Model B. Both models give access to same resources but follow a different pattern, each of them is discussed in detail below